An international route
departing from Chengdu Tianfu airport, China (TFU) and arriving at Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta airport, Indonesia (CGK).
The flight distance is 2518 miles, or 4052 km.
The timezone of the departure airport is
UTC+8 , and the timezone of the arrival airport is UTC+7 .
Current time at the point of departure is 10:21pm, and 9:21pm at the point of arrival.
There is a -1 hour time difference between the airports.
Valid until 2024-10-26
This is a Scheduled Cargo flight.
Duration: 5:30, non-stop
Airbus A330 Freighter (33F)
An international route
departing from Chengdu Tianfu airport, China (TFU) and arriving at Jakarta Soekarno-Hatta airport, Indonesia (CGK).
The flight distance is 2518 miles, or 4052 km.
The timezone of the departure airport is
UTC+8 , and the timezone of the arrival airport is UTC+7 .
Current time at the point of departure is 10:21pm, and 9:21pm at the point of arrival.
There is a -1 hour time difference between the airports.