A domestic route
departing from the San Luis Potosi airport (SLP) and arriving at Cancun airport (CUN).
The flight distance is 910 miles, or 1464 km.
The timezone of the departure airport is
UTC-6 , and the timezone of the arrival airport is UTC-5 .
Current time at the point of departure is 7:24am, and 8:24am at the point of arrival.
There is a 1 hour time difference between the airports.
A domestic route
departing from the San Luis Potosi airport (SLP) and arriving at Cancun airport (CUN).
The flight distance is 910 miles, or 1464 km.
The timezone of the departure airport is
UTC-6 , and the timezone of the arrival airport is UTC-5 .
Current time at the point of departure is 7:24am, and 8:24am at the point of arrival.
There is a 1 hour time difference between the airports.